Rethink and Redefine. A 7-step guide to reinventing your life.

The journey to attain a deeper form of happiness requires an unflinching look into the face of a reality where all life is seen. One must dive deep into their soul and every aspect of their lives and find the rotten parts and expose them to truth and the light. 


A life audit is crucial for pinpointing where to make adjustments and jumpstarting your new journey. Start by figuring out where you stand in these seven areas of life. Health (mind, body, spirit), finances, personal growth, relationships (family, friends), career, environment, and free time. What changes would make the most significant impact on your life? Only by being radically honest with ourselves can we make radical changes. 

“Whatever your answer is, don’t choose anything that will jeopardize your soul. Prioritize who you are, who you want to be, and don’t spend time with anything that antagonizes your character.” – Matthew McConaughey


Your mindset is what sets the tone for everything in your life. Changing your mindset is what will change your life. What we think and believe is what we act upon. Where your mind goes, so shall your life. You control how you respond and how you interpret life events. What you think, you shall believe. Throughout the day, be mindful of every thought you have in every situation. Take an inventory of those that will tell you much about your current mindset. Mindset is so important I wrote an entire blog about it here.

 “Do not pray for an easy life; pray for the strength to endure a hard one” – Bruce Lee.


Vision mapping is defining your road map toward achieving your big vision or dream. Where do you see yourself in 3,5,10 years? Start with where you want to be and work backward. What steps do you need to take to achieve this plan? Get specific. Need more education and training? Get it. Need more resources and guidance? Get it. You must act and push your limits. Visions are driven by passion and dreams and reflected through genuine efforts to create tangible results.

“A proper goal is something that you need to achieve.”


The fog lifts once you have your vision and your road map becomes clear again. You’ve got to put in the work to change your life. You can expect to achieve all your goals and dreams by keeping the same energy, work ethic, and habits. Every day you must show up for yourself. Everyday. Consistently, daily practice is how you make that happen. 1% of change per day will net you a 365% change in a year. That is a considerable amount, an endless amount of difference for the rest of your life. How much can you change, and what does that look like for you? 

Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever. – Mahatma Gandhi 


If you want to change your life, your environment has to change! Create and/or find an environment that sets yourself up for success. I do 75% of my research and writing in coffee shops, the other 25% is done at parks or in my office with limited distractions. That means people, places, relationships, habits, etc. Everything that hurts your life has to go. You will need to make sacrifices for radical positive change in your life. How much growth can you do in toxic environments vs. healthy environments? Who and what is holding you back from seeing your true potential? 


Nothing will change your life faster than building new skills. Take a look at that life audit you did above. What areas do you need to improve, and what areas do you want to gain more knowledge and wisdom from? We live in a world of technology, and the ability to learn a new hobby or skill or educate yourself is at your fingertips. As I mentioned above, you must show up for yourself every day. Make the time. Become the best version of yourself and start today! 

“I hope you live a life you’re proud of, and if you find that you’re not, I hope you find the strength to start all over again.”


If it doesn’tdoesn’t bring us peace, profit, or purpose, don’tdon’t give it your attention. Anything that is disrupting your energy and flow in life needs to go. We can’t control everything in life, but we can control who you talk to, who you hang out with, where you go, our habits, etc. You control yourself. Be honest with yourself and write all your negative habits, traits, friends, sites, etc., that are in your life and make some radical changes. Start cutting things loose. To make these dreams a reality, it’s crucial to stay focused.


  1. Decide in your heart to change your life, commit. 
  2. Practice stepping out of your comfort zone and embracing discomfort.
  3. Identify the things in your life you want to change.
  4. Define how you want to transform your life.
  5. Identify every possible thing that could prevent you from changing your life.
  6. Choose one significant change or keystone habit to conquer. Build on that. 
  7. Find the right people to be around. 

Published by Mr.Fish

Jesus, father, Frogman, blogger, freelance writer, Semi-pro driver, Semi-pro world explorer, Semi-pro entrepreneur and CDT thru hiker 22'.

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