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Defining Mental Health

Despite growing awareness, the stigma surrounding mental health and persistent communication gaps make it challenging for many to understand what it means to be mentally healthy. Additionally, some individuals may not even recognize the factors influencing their mental health. Educating individuals and fostering discussions about mental health in both personal and professional spheres are crucial…

Viva la Peru

Gazing through the windows, majestic mountains surround me on either side. The forceful winds sway our plane, akin to a tiny boat navigating the tumultuous sea waves. Cusco airport boasts a reputation as one of the most challenging to land at globally. Finally, we make a triumphant landing, marking the commencement of our thrilling adventure. …

Tribe of 2023

Tribe of 2023 First and foremost, I extend my heartfelt gratitude to you. Thank you for your remarkable courage in not only applying but also following through on your commitment. It is disheartening to observe that many veterans opt for a different, unchangeable path. However, you have chosen to confront your inner demons and ascend…


Rethink and Redefine. A 7-step guide to reinventing your life. The journey to attain a deeper form of happiness requires an unflinching look into the face of a reality where all life is seen. One must dive deep into their soul and every aspect of their lives and find the rotten parts and expose them…

Heroes & Horses pt.1

On the eve of class 1 season 1 for me, class 8 season 6 for Heroes and Horses everything is quiet, wet, and overcast on the ranch. Cabins have been built, the chow hall is cleaned, organized, and ready. We have a brand new sauna heater and a cold plunge ready for freezing fresh water…


As a child, I grew up in Australia on a ranch… My father was a professional horse trainer, and I was a horse stuntman in the making. I grew up peeing on electric fences, licking salt licks, and getting chased by calves. Pretty sure I was going to be a cowboy when I grew up.…


“Every day think as you wake up, today I am fortunate to be alive, I have a precious human life, I am not going to waste it.” – Dalai Lama. “Your life is a firefly blink in a night.” – Eric Jorgenson. Time is a constant. It is constantly being depleted from your life. Every…


“The proper function of man is to live, not to exist. I shall not waste my days trying to prolong them. I shall use my time” – Jack London “Not how long, but how well you have lived is the main thing.” — Seneca. I knew my life’s purpose when I was 12 years old. I…

7th Heaven P.2

Part 2. In Part 1, we will discuss Mindfulness, Gratefulness, and Adversity. Part 2 will cover Physical Health, Generosity, Relationships, and our Life Inventory. PHYSICAL HEALTH My fitness has undoubtedly given me opportunities that I would otherwise never have had. It has been the backbone of my success in many areas of my life. I…

7th Heaven

…a lifelong journey. PART 1. I believe that the purpose of life is to be happy. – Dalai Lama After having 7th Heaven proofread I realized, and my reader realized it was pretty long, too long for one sitting. In thinking of my readers and supporters, I have decided to make it a two-part read…


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