Defining Mental Health

Despite growing awareness, the stigma surrounding mental health and persistent communication gaps make it challenging for many to understand what it means to be mentally healthy. Additionally, some individuals may not even recognize the factors influencing their mental health. Educating individuals and fostering discussions about mental health in both personal and professional spheres are crucialContinue reading “Defining Mental Health”

Heroes & Horses pt.1

On the eve of class 1 season 1 for me, class 8 season 6 for Heroes and Horses everything is quiet, wet, and overcast on the ranch. Cabins have been built, the chow hall is cleaned, organized, and ready. We have a brand new sauna heater and a cold plunge ready for freezing fresh waterContinue reading “Heroes & Horses pt.1”


Cumbress Pass: May 11, 2022: 9:20 am “Colorado will kick your ass, you just have to show up” – Mr.Britton Mountains and tress, what do my eyes see? A welcomed sight and nice changefrom the desert atmosphere. That welcoming feeling quickly came to an end afteronly going a few miles in several hours. The snow-coveredContinue reading “CDT-Colorado”


2020 – the year of the dragonfly In almost every part of the world, the dragonfly symbolizes change, transformation, adaptability, and self-realization. For the past three years, I have been fortunate enough to be able to take a week(ish) long white-water rafting trip with some friends, and some strangers. Some of those strangers I’m proudContinue reading “Dragonfly”


Putting the pieces together. Therapy is cool. I go to therapy, and so should you! “A man’s engine can occasionally overheat. Let’s pop the hood” – Dr. Rich Mahogany Dan Siegel, a psychiatrist, describes therapy in the following way: [Therapy is] a kind of focused attention that allows us to see the internal workings ofContinue reading “Therapy”

Mindset – the color of your thoughts.

Color your mind with the wrong thoughts, and soon your life will be dyed the same. – Ryan Holiday The power of our mind is an untapped resource we, as humans, have yet to develop. Most of the time, we use our mindset to bring ourselves down and hinder our overall performance. Great philosophers, authors,Continue reading “Mindset – the color of your thoughts.”