Defining Mental Health

Despite growing awareness, the stigma surrounding mental health and persistent communication gaps make it challenging for many to understand what it means to be mentally healthy. Additionally, some individuals may not even recognize the factors influencing their mental health. Educating individuals and fostering discussions about mental health in both personal and professional spheres are crucialContinue reading “Defining Mental Health”

Heroes & Horses pt.1

On the eve of class 1 season 1 for me, class 8 season 6 for Heroes and Horses everything is quiet, wet, and overcast on the ranch. Cabins have been built, the chow hall is cleaned, organized, and ready. We have a brand new sauna heater and a cold plunge ready for freezing fresh waterContinue reading “Heroes & Horses pt.1”

7th Heaven

…a lifelong journey. PART 1. I believe that the purpose of life is to be happy. – Dalai Lama After having 7th Heaven proofread I realized, and my reader realized it was pretty long, too long for one sitting. In thinking of my readers and supporters, I have decided to make it a two-part readContinue reading “7th Heaven”


2020 – the year of the dragonfly In almost every part of the world, the dragonfly symbolizes change, transformation, adaptability, and self-realization. For the past three years, I have been fortunate enough to be able to take a week(ish) long white-water rafting trip with some friends, and some strangers. Some of those strangers I’m proudContinue reading “Dragonfly”